Kelly & Peter’s Amazing Drake Oak Brook Wedding
Kelly and Peter first connected after her 10-year high school reunion. Her friends wanted them to all hang out together, but at the first planned get-together Peter was 2 hours late. While they were waiting for him to show up someone joked . . .
Kelly and Peter first connected after her 10-year high school reunion. Her friends wanted them to all hang out together, but at the first planned get-together Peter was 2 hours late. While they were waiting for him to show up someone joked that Kelly and Peter should get together, to which another friend replied “Peter couldn’t handle Kelly!” Well, after Peter did meet Kelly he was so smitten that he wanted to ask her out right away. Unfortunately Peter tore his achilles before he had the opportunity to ask Kelly out and spent the next few months at home recovering.
Fast forward to 2020 and the pandemic found the friend group hanging out more frequently. After a night of hanging out in Peter's backyard, he finally mustered the courage to ask Kelly out. He was appalled that she'd never seen the movie The Princess Bride, a favorite of his, so he invited her over to watch it. He had to bite his tongue the whole time to prevent himself from reciting every line. But the evening went well, and it was pretty clear there'd be many more dates to come.
About two weeks into their relationship, Peter turned to Kelly and asked if she'd be alright if he got a Belgian Malinois puppy. Knowing absolutely nothing about the breed, she said sure, even though she knew it'd be a lot of work. Little did she know (and to be fair, Peter either) the utter chaos that would enter our lives a few weeks later. Although adorable and cuddly, Seneca tested their relationship and sanity (and still does today!) But they survived, and, in some ways, it made their relationship even stronger.
Kelly moved in with Peter in June 2021 and, thankfully for Peter, she never looked back. Then in December 2022, a week before Christmas, Peter and Kelly were celebrating with his family when Peter handed Kelly the last gift under the tree. Surprised that she had another gift, which was clearly wrapped by his sister, she opened the gift to find a ring box inside. That's when Peter took the ring box, got down on one knee and asked Kelly to marry him. Of course, she said yes!
Kelly and Peter have a natural and easy relationship and bring balance one another. Kelly brought the maturity and responsibility that Peter needed a bit more of in his life and Peter brought the humor and positivity that Kelly needed. They really are perfect for one another!
We first connected with Kelly and Peter through our friends and Love is Essential couple Susan and Zach. When I met with Kelly and Peter at The Chicago Botanic Garden on a windy Summer day for their engagement session it was clear to me that these two were made for one another. I had so much fun getting to know this laid-back and goofy couple! I was excited to shoot their wedding at The Drake in Oak Brook with Conrad!
When we arrived at The Drake we met with Kelly in a sunlit room and she looked absolutely radiant. Once she was dressed Kelly shared a sweet moment with her Dad before heading upstairs to see Peter. It was VERY windy that day so we decided to stay inside for their First Look, thankfully there are plenty of beautiful nooks at The Drake that made it fun and easy to take pictures inside to avoid the wind!
After taking pictures with Kelly and Peter’s wedding party and family we settled into the gorgeous Flower Room for their ceremony. Kelly’s Dad proudly walked her down the aisle and she stood tall as she became Mrs. Martin. Once they were pronounced husband and wife the party was ready to begin! Guests enjoyed cocktails and appetizers on the wraparound porch outside the Flower Room, and Conrad and I were really happy to catch up with Susan and Zach!
As the night went on we were continually reminded of the many ways in which Kelly and Peter complemented each other. We got some fresh air together at the end of the night to take some pretty “goodnight photos” outside by the cafe lights. Peter proudly showed us a picture on his phone of his new wife being goofy the night before at their rehearsal. It was just such a sweet day that we will not forget, it was an honor to be alongside Kelly and Peter as they began their new adventure together as a married couple!
Congratulations, Kelly and Peter, we love you and wish you a lifetime of happiness together!
To see all of Kelly and Peter’s gorgeous wedding photos, click here
Something Blue
The Drake Oak Brook
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